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Intake Forms

To save time during your first visit, please have the following forms completed prior to your visit. (PDF viewer required)
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  • When will my surgery be?

    • We offer convenient and flexible scheduling times, often within days to weeks. Please note, your first visit is an office consultation prior to any scheduled procedures. Bring a calendar along with you to help in getting a date set for your procedure.

  • How long will it take to get things settled with the insurance company?

    • Each insurance company is unique. The usual time that it takes for insurance to pay on a bill is 30 to 60 days.  If you have any questions please feel free to call the office and inquire on your claims

  • Why am I getting bills from physicians?

    • Once you receive a bill from the physicians that means that the insurance that was presented has now processed  your claim. The balance due will match up with the explanation of benefits that you received from your insurance company. This may include a deductible that needs to be satisfied along with the co-insurance/co-pays  that is required by your policy

  • I received a notice that my insurance company has paid on my bill - but I can't understand how they calculated their payment amount. Do you know?​

    • When you receive your explanation of benefits from your insurance company first you will see the charges that were sent.  Then you may see the amount that was allowed.  This means that the insurance that you have is contracted with the physician.  You will see on the explanation what is allowed, the payment that was sent to the office, the amount that is adjusted by the physician and then patient responsibility. The patient responsibiltiy may be a deductible that may need to be  satisfied, co-insurance required by your insurance plan, copays that should have been paid at the time of service or non covered charges by your insurance.

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